Ketema Jiregna Geneti(1), Yemaneberhan Kelemework(2), Tamiru Olana(3),

(1) Wollega University, Ethiopia
(2) Wollega University, Ethiopia
(3) Wollega University, Ethiopia
Corresponding Author


This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of English language teacher candidates’ screening and admission criteria used to admit quality teacher candidates to English language teacher preparation. An evaluative case study design was employed. Document analysis and semi-structured interview methods were used to collect the data. The study employed purposive sampling techniques to review admission guideline documents, choose three English language teacher educators, six teacher candidates, college vice Dean and practicum coordinator. The researcher analyzed data thematically in relation to the research questions. The findings show that the screening and admission criteria of English language teacher candidates do not consider candidates’ English language background knowledge, proficiency, and interest to teach it. The entrance and interview exams also don’t address candidates’ English language knowledge and communication skills. Overall there is no particular attention to assessing candidates’ English language competence and interest to teach the English language in the process of screening and admission. To alleviate these gaps, the English language teacher preparation program needs to assess candidates’ English language background,  communication skills and interest teach English as screening and admitting criteria to teacher preparation.


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