(1) Universitas Negeri Manado
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This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of Youtube videos on listening understanding for Basic Listening subject at 1st semester of English Department. YouTube can be a learning tool and media that can meet the demands of student needs. There are many types of videos with various kinds of topics that are unique, interesting and fun to enjoy and which can be used in class lessons.This type of research is a quasi experiment with experimental research design Pre-test and Post-test Control group. This research was conducted at the English Department of FBS Unima Tondano. The study population was all 1st semester totaling 250 students. Sampling uses random sampling. From the results of the calculation shows the average value of the experimental class of 69.032 then to 80.403. This means that in the experimental class there was an increase of 11.37. For the control group at pretest it was 69.141 and at the post-test it was 73.828. It means an increase of 4.69. Although both classes both experienced an increase in average, but the increase in the average post-test in the experimental class was greater than the control class post-test and the weight of effectiveness was 9.5%. The conclusion is that the value of listening comprehension in Basic Listening subjects is higher than those who use YouTube videos compared to using conventional media. So that it can be said that there is a significant difference in listening comprehension of English Educator Teaching students between those taught with video media and those taught using conventional media.
Keywords: Youtube Videos, Teaching, Basic Listening
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DOI: 10.36412/jellt.v4i1.942
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