(1) Prisma University Manado
Corresponding Author
The aim of this study is to (1) reveal how the process of using watch movie clips as a
strategy in improving students’ listening skill in teaching and learning activity. (2) find out
whether the use of watch movie clips as a strategy can improve students’ listening skill or
not.Classroom action research is used in research design. The research was conducted from
February 10th 2016 until February 24th 2016 at the grade twelve students of SMA Negeri
1 Pineleng. The research was conducted in two cycles inclusive of two meetings in every
cycle. Every cycle consisted of four steps: plan, action, observation, and reflection. The
research data were collected by observation and test. The qualitative data were analyzed
through Miles and Huberman’s Three-Part Analysis, meanwhile the quantitative data were
analyzed through mean score formula. The result of the data analysis using mean score
formula indicates that the post-test score in cycle two 83.75 is higher than the pre-test
64.75 The research findings show that watching movie clips as a strategy could improve
students’ listening skill, related to the improvement of: the students’ ability in answering
teacher’s question correctly, the students’ ability in determining the general idea and specific
information, the students’ ability in making a summary and retelling the story, and the
students’ score in listening test. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that watching
movie clips as a strategy can improve students’ listening skill.The research is expected to
give input for English teacher in improving students’ listening skill, and to use watching
movie clips as a strategy in teaching and learning English activity. In addition, to solve
students’ problem in improving their listening skill.
Keywords : Watching; movie clips; improve; listening skill.
strategy in improving students’ listening skill in teaching and learning activity. (2) find out
whether the use of watch movie clips as a strategy can improve students’ listening skill or
not.Classroom action research is used in research design. The research was conducted from
February 10th 2016 until February 24th 2016 at the grade twelve students of SMA Negeri
1 Pineleng. The research was conducted in two cycles inclusive of two meetings in every
cycle. Every cycle consisted of four steps: plan, action, observation, and reflection. The
research data were collected by observation and test. The qualitative data were analyzed
through Miles and Huberman’s Three-Part Analysis, meanwhile the quantitative data were
analyzed through mean score formula. The result of the data analysis using mean score
formula indicates that the post-test score in cycle two 83.75 is higher than the pre-test
64.75 The research findings show that watching movie clips as a strategy could improve
students’ listening skill, related to the improvement of: the students’ ability in answering
teacher’s question correctly, the students’ ability in determining the general idea and specific
information, the students’ ability in making a summary and retelling the story, and the
students’ score in listening test. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that watching
movie clips as a strategy can improve students’ listening skill.The research is expected to
give input for English teacher in improving students’ listening skill, and to use watching
movie clips as a strategy in teaching and learning English activity. In addition, to solve
students’ problem in improving their listening skill.
Keywords : Watching; movie clips; improve; listening skill.
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DOI: 10.36412/jellt.v1i01.24
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