(1) Universitas Negeri Manado
(2) Universitas Negeri Manado
(3) Universitas Negeri Manado
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Opposing Views in Webber's "Jesus Christ Superstar" is the focus of the analysis in
thisskripsi.The approach is applied to analyze the data since the data is needed the primary source. "Jesus Christ Superstar by Andrew Webber Opposing views in the drama can be observed through all the characteristics of Judas Iscariot. In this drama, there are some things that are contrary for Christian because some scenes are not the same as the real story. As a result of Judas's view that made Jesus's role different, giving rise to contradictory things, Judas was one of the followers who disliked the personality of Jesus, so there was no existence of Jesus to heal, a sense of compassion, and other powers that looked ordinary. Writers use deconstruction analysis to find out the opposition the drama. Through this skripsi, the writers can find things that are contrary to Christian faith and can also be used as a moral message in everyday life, whether in religious life, moral messages for teachers, and what can be taught things that can be used as moral values to students in school as character education.
Keywords: Opposing views, Deconstruction, Jesus Christ, and. Judas Iscariot.
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DOI: 10.36412/jellt.v4i2.2410
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