Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill Using Communicative Language Teaching Method

Jeisica Lumy(1),

(1) Universitas Negeri Manado
Corresponding Author


This study investigated the effect of the implementation of communicative language teaching method in enhancing speaking Skill of the third semester students at English Department of Manado State University. This was a quantitative study using true experimental group and pre-posttest design. The sample was one class from third semester who enrolled in speaking subject. The data obtained was computed through t-test to see the significant difference occurred between the control and experimental group. From the calculation, t-test value is 2.932 based on the distribution of t-table α 0,05 with degrees of freedom n1 + n2 – 2 =12 + 12 – 2 = 22 and tabulated t-test value 2.074. from the calculation, it is clearly seen that t-test value is bigger than tabulated t-test value. t-test value = 2.932 t-tabulated = 2.074. seen from the final result after computing the mean score of both groups, the experimental group who were taught according to communicative language teaching principles achieved higher score (23.75) than the control group who weren’t taught according to communicative language teaching principles (12.08). According to the result, the use of Communicative Language Teaching method is effective in enhancing students’ speaking skill.

Keywords: Students’ Speaking skill; Communicative Language Teaching Method.


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DOI: 10.36412/jellt.v3i01.738


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