Woman Image in England in 19th Century in Jane Austen’s Sense And Sensibility
(1) Universitas Udayana
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The purpose of this study is to reveal about womens’ image in England in 19th century especially the existance of women that lived during Austen’s era at the time. In analyzing this study the writer used qualitative research design which is the data collected in form of words rather than numbers. The data collected in this research are from two sources; primary and secondary. The primary source is from the novel itself and the secondary sources are from internet, and some other books. The datas are analyzed by using mimetic approach. The result of the study shows that fearness, dissapointment, unhappiness, and even arrogance are parts of life of some women at that time. They have no choice to choose a better life. England adopted Primogeniture as a basic of inherit the wealth to the children. This one is a reason why woman in society is placed lower rather than man. Man hold the authorithy in many aspects such as social, politics, and economic. However, girls were not gaining any noticeably easier access to legal rights or professional opportunities at this time. There was an over-riding assumption that men and women were different in natural capabilities. Consequently, both men and women ought to accept distinct social roles, marked out along gender lines, where women were denied equality of opportunity in areas such as education, business and action. Girls were praised for being submissive, modest, pure and domesticated. The qualities of being independently-minded, studious or talented were seldom regarded as feminine attractions. In the other hand, there was still few women who could face the problem toughly.
Keywords: Woman, Late Ninetenth Century, Mimetic Approach, social roles
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DOI: 10.36412/jellt.v3i01.739
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