Penerapan Model Contextual Teaching and Learning ditinjau Dari Kemampuan Numerik Siswa kelas VII Pada Materi Bilangan
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ABSTRACT. This research is conducted to determine the effect of applying the Contextual Teaching and Learning model in terms of numerical ability. This research was conducted in junior high school 1 Tombatu in odd semester 2019/2020. The subjects in this study were all VII grade students consisting of two classes namely the experimental class (VII) class VII C (using the Contextual Teaching and Learning model) and the control class (VII B) class VII B (using the direct learning model). The design of this study uses a two-factor analysis of variance (two-factor ANOVA). Data is taken from student learning outcomes obtained from the final test results after being given treatment (the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning model, and Direct Learning). This research is using experimental method. The results of testing the hypothesis by using the F-test for a real level of 0.05 indicate Fcount > Ftable (3.19> 3.17), which means accept H1 and Reject H0. This results indicate that there is an effect of interaction between the model and numerical ability on student learning outcomes.
Keywords: Contextual Teaching and Learning model, Direct Learning model, Numerical Ability, Numbers, Learning Outcomes
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